Incentivise liquidity pools
Learn how to influence the BALN incentives for each liquidity pool.
bBALN holders can influence the amount of BALN that incentivises each liquidity pool. You can allocate a percentage of your voting power to specific liquidity pools, and adjust the amount every 10 days. A snapshot is taken every Thursday at 00:00 UTC, and the BALN incentives are updated to reflect the current bBALN allocation for each pool.
To allocate voting power to a liquidity pool, lock up Balance Tokens if you haven’t already, then:
- Go to Vote > Liquidity Incentives, then click Add for a pool you want to incentivise.
- Type a percentage of your voting power to allocate.
- Click Confirm and complete the transaction.

You can adjust your allocation for the pool after 10 days. You’ll see an edit icon next to your allocation once the time has elapsed.
For more guidance on how to allocate your votes, see bBALN voting guidance.
You can only add incentives to the liquidity pools listed on the Vote page. If you’d like to incentivise another liquidity pool, start a proposal discussion on the Balanced forum.
Liquidity bribes
To increase incentives, some liquidity pools bribe bBALN holders to vote for them. Bribes are released every Thursday at 0:00 UTC, and must be claimed within one week.
Active bribes are displayed above the Liquidity Incentives section. Allocate votes to any of those pools to see a countdown to the next bribe, and the option to claim it once available.