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Claim rewards

Learn how to earn and claim rewards on Balanced.

Balanced provides multiple opportunities to earn rewards. They accrue in real time, so you can claim them from Home > Rewards whenever you have a balance available on each blockchain.

The Rewards section showing the Savings Rate (where you can deposit bnUSD), your earning potential (where you lock up BALN), and rewards available to claim.

Savings Rate

To earn a return for bnUSD, deposit it into the Savings Rate. You’ll earn rewards at a variable rate based on the amount available from borrower interest, Balanced revenue, and the ICON Network.

Liquidity rewards

Supply liquidity to an incentivised pool on supported chains. To boost the amount of BALN you can earn on the ICON blockchain, lock up BALN.

Network fees

To earn a share of the network fees, lock up BALN on the ICON blockchain. bBALN holders receive 15% of the network fee earnings: the more bBALN you hold, the larger your share.

Liquidity bribes

If you hold bBALN, you can incentivise liquidity pools — and sometimes earn a kickback for it. You can claim bribes from the Vote page once per week.